Sunday, October 20, 2013

No sick days

So I'd have to say that one of the worst things about being a stay at home parent, especially with small kids, is that you don't get sick days. If my wife is sick, I can keep the kids away from her so she can get some sleep and make sure she gets a full night sleep if one of the kids wake up. If I am sick, she can't take the day off of work to take care of me or take care of the kids while I get better. It just doesn't work that way. My kids were sick last week and now I am sick this week. Man, I miss those days when I got sick and I didn't have kids. I could take NyQuil and sleep for hours upon hours. I could take naps during the day to recuperate or just not leave my bed. Before I had kids, I would get really sick once a year. I would have a few minor colds now and then but nothing really bad. Now, with one of my kids in school, I feel like I am getting sick once a month. These are the things no one tells you about before you have kids. I am sure it will get easier when the kids get older and I can leave them alone for more than a few minutes to take a nap or be able to sleep through the night without the fear of not hearing one of them waking up in their sleep but for now it kindof sucks. I'll just switch from NyQuil to DayQuil.

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