Tuesday, May 26, 2015

It's almost been a year

I know no one reads this so it doesn't really matter that I've been gone for a year. It's been a long and hard year with some ups a shit ton of downs.

I got a part time job which is okay. I work two over nights a week. It's a good job, I get paid a "decent" amount for a part timer, it just fucks with my sleep schedule for the rest of the week, which has never been all that great. It got my wife off my back about money and contributing. I do get out of the house a little and I do feel like I am adding something to my families well being.

Our youngest son has been seeing specialists for almost a year now to help with his speech. He sees a occupational therapist every week. He sees a speech therapist and a behavioral therapist every other week. It has helped A LOT. He went from not being able to say anything past his second birthday to almost being ready to join a preschool. He will hopefully have less than a 20% delay, we are still waiting on his latest tests to come back.  Now we are looking for a preschool. We have been looking for months now and we have either been turned away or put on a waiting list. He is being registered as "special needs" so the waiting lists have been next to impossible to get on. This whole process has given me more respect for parents with children with special needs. My son isn't even close to what most parents with special needs kids have to deal with and some days it's so hard to deal with, I can't image what you have to go through.

Our oldest son just turned 6. I don't want to go into one of those "it goes so fast" speeches but it does. I really couldn't ask for a better kid. He started Tball this year and he is the best player on him team. He loves it and so do it. I love playing catch with him. Seriously, the best thing in the world. I think the only thing that really concerns me about his future is his need for acceptance. He tries all he can to fit in with others to the point where he won't be himself at times to fit in. Each time I've caught him doing it, I've talked to him about it. It's not the easiest thing to have that conversation with a 5 year old. Maybe it's just something kids do.

We moved again. This time, it was just next door to a much nicer house but we get to stay in the same neighborhood and school district so it was a no brainer for us. Our new neighbors, who moved into our old house, kind of suck. They are sort of loud and nosey. We are very quiet and private. They do have two boys, six and nine. The nine year old is very nice and sweet to our youngest kid. The six year old is kind of an asshole. Maybe it has something to do with being the youngest, I don't know. My oldest does enjoy playing with them so it does get him out of the house more and keeps him active.

My marriage is going pretty well.

The worst and hardest thing I've had to go through this year was the death of my father...

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